5th July 2023
Our Platinum 100 3G bookshelf speaker has been awarded HiFi Journal's 'Top-Produkt' Award by reviewer Marcel Buttner.
4th July 2023
"Nothing short of an iconic speaker, both technically and visually". Dutch reviewers hifi.nl experience Hyphn, our new statement loudspeaker.
23rd June 2023
The Audiophile Man is taken aback by the beefy bass response and epic soundstage in his review of our Silver 100 7G speakers.
20th June 2023
FWD magazine in the Netherlands review our Platinum 200 3G speakers.
16th June 2023
Our Silver 50 7G speakers have received an Outstanding Award from hifi reviewer A British Audiophile.
16th June 2023
In an exclusive review of Hyphn, our new statement loudspeaker, Simon Lucas from Sound Advice spoke of his admiration for Hyphn's design and engineering.