Behind every great home cinema or multi-room installation is smart and powerful amplification. That’s why every model in Monitor Audio’s comprehensive range of high-performance amplifiers is capable of delivering precise, head-turning power in the blink of an eye, for a dynamic experience with movies, music or the big match, inside or even outside in a garden system. Engineered to deliver a pristine performance, they benefit from robust build, intuitive technologies and comprehensive connection options. They are the perfect partners for our IMS-4 music streamer, which uses BluOS™ technology and can play music in up to four separate zones.
Our range of custom installation amplifiers come with plentiful reserves of power as standard. That power is complemented by user-friendly technologies that deliver brains alongside the brawn. On our newest amplifiers these technologies include DSP matrix configuration and flexible power options, which allow you to use your amplifier’s power the way you need it.
BluOS is a wireless ecosystem that uses a home network to connect more than one enabled device and play your music in perfect sync, or different music simultaneously, anywhere in the house. Using advanced technologies, BluOS can wirelessly transmit lossless music up to 24-bit/192kHz at lightning-fast speeds with no lag and zero loss in sound quality.
Our comprehensive range of amplifiers means that whatever your requirements we have the products for your project. Not only are they powerful enough to drive the largest of home theatre systems, they are smart enough to maximise performance no matter how involved your multi-room system is. And with all the industry standard connections on offer, there’s no need to worry about compatibility either.
Monitor Audio’s installation amplifiers are more than just the ideal power source for home theatre and multiroom systems, they also deliver pristine performance in your garden or around your pool. When coupled with our Climate Garden range of all-weather loudspeakers you can enjoy pristine sound anywhere you like – the only thing we can’t guarantee is the weather.
Each and every amplifier Monitor Audio manufactures is engineered with custom installation projects in mind. Beyond power and user-friendly technologies, they are also quick and easy to fit, and their discreet form ensures they use the minimum amount of space. They also support a wide range of connectivity options, and their rugged design is engineered to last. Whatever they project, we have the custom installation amplifiers for you.