Silver RX8 review: Hi-Fi News Highly Commended

24th January 2013

Posted in: Reviews | Awards

Our slim Silver floorstander returns from a Hi-Fi News Group test with a ‘Highly Commended’ Award.

The RX8 has trumped rivals to collect a ‘Highly Commended’ badge in February’s Hi-Fi News. Reviewer Adam Smith says “…not only do they have the biggest driver line-up, but the Monitor Audios also have the biggest sound of all the units on test. The Silver RX8’s are superbly dynamic, punchy and love to play loud…even better this was not all bang and boom, as the bass offered superlative levels of grip, punch and detail…they romp home with the ‘most speaker for your money’ award.”

Read the full review in the February issue of Hi-Fi News.